OAF Page Deployment Steps

1 -Copy project file from myprojects/myclasses/your-directory at app server java top.
 * copy at java top means if you directory name is Test then path will be

2 - Copy class files from myclasses/Test folder at app server - Java top (at same above mentioned directory) in same directories but in binary format

3 -Grant 777 rights to all the folders.
     * If transfer of file is done by applmgr          user than no need

4 -Copy Importable xml file at mds directory at custom top.
    i.e: /u01/PREPROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxaj/mds/webui/TestPG.xml

5 -Run import command for webpage (Give the file path & root directory path the same as written above)
   i.e:  java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter  /u01/PREPROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxaj/mds/webui/TestPG.xml -rootdir /u01/PREPROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxaj/mds/webui -username apps -password Pro#7Eri -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =db-dev-aljeri.com.sa)(PORT =1557))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID =PREPROD)))" -rootPackage /oracle/apps/po/webui

6 -After create application setup and run the page.

     Login as sysadmin, Create form function, Create Menu, Create Responsibility, Assign such responsibility to a user

6-1. Create Function.        System Administrator > Application > Function

6-2. Set the Type           Next Tab of Above Form

6-3. Form Name            4th Tab of same form

6-4. Define a menu and assign function to it   System Administrator > Application > Menu

6-5. Attach menu with responsibility.      System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define

6-6. Assign responsibility to user.         System Administrator > Security > User > Define

7-. Test & Cheers

Import Command from Java Top:-
java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter  /u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxaj/mds/webui/TestPG.xml
-rootdir /u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxaj/mds/webui
-username apps
-password uatapps
-dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =db-uat-abc.com.sa)(PORT =1546))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID =UAT)))"
-rootPackage /matloob/oracle/apps/po/requisition/webui


  1. Nice article.Thank you so much for sharing this.Oracle OAF Online Training

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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