OAF Extension

In case when the required column is not available in VO then we have to make extension in it and its process is given below:

1 - Check the form name by going to About this page.

2 - Copy the path & name of Page and VO like.
Page= /oracle/apps/pos/supplier/webui/SuppSummPG
        VO=     SitesVO

3 - Go to Application server and copy the page from /u01/PREPROD/apps/apps_st/appl/pos/12.0.0/mds/supplier
        into a newly created directory in development environment and in webui under the same path of page like

4 - Go to Java_top and then upto the position of supplier path as shown above and copy the supplier folder into that newly created directory

5 - Now place that new created folder under myclasses folder in the development environment.

6 - Create a new workspace and a new project.

7 - Go to project properties and add the newly created folder into the project.

8 - Create a new VO with extension of old one.

9 - Go to project properties /Business components/Substitutions and make the substitution of new vo with old one.

10 - Copy the .jpx at Java_top of application server

11 - Copy the VO.xml file and java file of such VO like (SitesExtVORowImpl.java) from project folder of development environment and paste it its real location under the Javatop like /u01/PREPROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/pos/supplier/server/

12 - Compile the java file on Application server like : javac SitesExtVORowImpl.java

13 - Import the new .jpx into the system in application server.
java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.JPXImporter $JAVA_TOP/QuickUpdateExtPG.jpx  -username apps -password Pro#7Eri  -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = db-dev-abcd.com.sa)(PORT =1557))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID =PREPROD)))"

14 - Personalize the form to incorporate the newly created item.

Ref:  https://blogs.oracle.com/prajkumar/entry/eo_based_vo_extension_in

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