Apps General

1- Flexfields, Structures related tables:

FND_ID_FLEXS Stores the flexfields of the ERP
Column ID_FLEX_CODE of 4 digits shows the name of flexfield like GL# for General Ledger
Column APPLICATION_ID shows the numeric id of the flexfield but
Column APPLICATION_TABLE_NAME shows the name of table which stores such flexfield                info
The above two columns (application_id, id_flex_code) in associated creates a unique key
i.e; for general ledger 101 is id and GL# is id_flex_code

FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Stores the flexfield segments
first two columns are same (application_id, id_flex_code) same as above
column ID_FLEX_NUM shows the segment sequence no in any particular flexfield
column FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID shows the value set id for that specific segment

FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES stores the structure name of the flexfield with respect to above two
columns of (application_id, id_flex_code)
column ID_FLEX_NUM shows the numeric no of structure with respect to above two columns of
(application_id, id_flex_code)
column ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_CODE shows the name of the structure of the flex field

FND_FLEX_VALUES Stores the values of the value set defined in the table of  FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS with reference of its column FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID. It only stores the  numeric values of the value set. column name is (FLEX_VALUE)
column FLEX_VALUE_ID is the unique no of value and its description in another table.

FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL  Stores the details of values sets value defined in the above table
FND_FLEX_VALUES table. the joining column is (FLEX_VALUE_ID)

FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS  Stores the name of Value set
column which identifies is FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID its detail is in column DESCRIPTION

FND_FLEX_VALUE_HIERARCHIES Stores the child values for the segment
column FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID shoes the no of the value set id.

GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS  Stores the code combinations related to the flexfield structures
and the structure name can be attained by combining chart_of_accounts_id column of table
gl_code_combinations table with fnd_id_flex_structures table and column is id_flex_num

2- Avoid apps password while quering forms details Help-->Diag-->Examine?
To set this profile option do the following:

1. Connect to Oracle Applications as System Administrator
2. Navigate to Profiles > System
3. Select the User checkbox
4. In the Profile field write Utilities: Diagnostics
5. Press [Find] button
6. Set profile option to Yes

3- Oracle Dates issues

select to_char( created, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),
       trunc( sysdate-created ) "Dy",
       trunc( mod( (sysdate-created)*24, 24 ) )  "Hr",
       trunc( mod( (sysdate-created)*24*60, 60 ) )  "Mi",
 trunc( mod( (sysdate-created)*24*60*60, 60 ) ) "Sec",
       to_char( sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),
       sysdate-created "Tdy",
       (sysdate-created)*24 "Thr",
       (sysdate-created)*24*60 "Tmi",
       (sysdate-created)*24*60*60 "Tsec"
from all_users
where rownum < 50

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